Client Testimonials


Chris treated the root cause of my problems rather than the symptoms as most medical practitioners would. The lifestyle and nutritional changes that Chris recommended made an overwhelming difference to the quality of my life and continue to do so on a daily basis. I am most grateful for his help and would whole-heartedly recommend him to everybody!

– Markus Webb, Big Fish Brand, Design & Marketing Consultancy


Chris shows an understanding nature that makes him an ideal coach for people from all walks of life. Working to the old adage that prevention is better than cure, his motivational methods, uplifting attitude and positive approach are a breath of fresh air.

– James Shawcroft, Private Language Tutor


Chris has been great and very helpful for my health advice. His coaching process is very relaxed and pleasant. I would definitely recommend him.  His services include a lot of areas that other health practitioners don’t cover, such as how to improve relationships with family members and in return how this relationship can benefit me for a better healthy life.

– Ken Xu, Power Source Nutrition


If you are looking to make a change in your life then you have come to the right place. Chris inspires people to be their best selves. He is empathetic while leaving room for you to do the hard work to reach your own goals.

– Morgan Dolan, Intern China


Chris had a thorough knowledge of both Western and Chinese health practice. For me, he is like an angel, he give me arms and gives me energy, because he always has strength of responsibility and patience. Such a good coach, we should love him!

– Olivia He, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University


You said what I needed to hear. I took responsibility for my mistakes and excepted the situation we are all in. Everything is back to love and normality. I like your positivity and knew it would set me straight. Thank you!

– Tony Brooks, Private Language Instructor


Your understandings of traditional Chinese Medicine and your desire to “bridge” conventional medicine and alternative medicine are exciting to listen to and absorb. Your view of taking insight into human nature as a whole and the importance of keeping yin & yang in balance can be used to guide many people. I really thank you for opening my mind.

– Richard Tang, Zhuhai Kadoo Real Estate Development Co. Ltd


Chris is an inspiring person with an abundance of good sense and positivity with which to impart his knowledge and wisdom not only about health matters but about life itself! Obviously the work had to be completed by me but with his dedication and enthusiasm as well as professionalism, this was achieved!

– Dawn Rodgers, Housewife and mother of three


Chris is extremely knowledgeable, patient and very good at what he does. He is also a really nice guy. He always delivered the right solution at the right time for me with great enthusiasm. It has been a real pleasure to have worked with him!

– Sunil Bargaje, Biotech Solutions


Chris is such a genius! He is young, bright and energetic with a strong career ambition to help others. He has built a strong bridge of communication between the east and west and we are all moved by his enthusiasm and passion for health and wellness.

– Judy Lin, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University


There was a moment the other day when I remembered meeting you in Guangzhou and I thought, “what an awesome human being!” Pleasure to meet you. Much love and gratitude.

– Jake Sanderson, Stage Live Asia



  • Stress, tension and lack of relaxation or support
  • Excess weight gain or loss
  • Lack of motivation (e.g –  to exercise, to cook etc)
  • Tiredness, Lack of energy with an inability to focus
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood swings, emotional difficulties, depression and pessimism
  • Worry, anxiety and paranoia with occasional/regular heart palpitations
  • Breathing and respiratory related symptoms (usually due to excess smoking)
  • Addiction to  alcohol/coffee and/or other substances (cigarettes/drugs etc)
  • Food cravings (e.g – sugar!)
  • Unbalanced and fluctuating blood sugar levels
  • Frequent headaches and migraines
  • Mouth ulcers and tooth pain
  • Muscular pain such as in the shoulders, back and spine
  • Joint pain or discomfort
  • Digestive discomfort and problems with the digestive system (frequent bowel issues, indigestion, nausea, bloating, bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, Candida, IBS,…)
  • Food sensitivities (e.g – gluten intolerance/celiac disease) and/or severe allergic reactions
  • Skin irritations and conditions (infections, rashes, acne etc)
  • Uncomfortable pains and problems with the Urinary system
  • Genital discomfort and STDs

If you can relate to having any of the above, don’t worry…..

They are unfortunately normal and very common symptoms of 21st century lifestyles!

Now we have looked at the problems why don’t we FOCUS on the SOLUTIONS?  Click here to find out how I can HELP and SUPPORT you

Click on the links below to learn more about Health Coaching

What’s a Health Coach?

Scope of Practice


My Health Coach Program


For more information please visit my official website

The China Effect

In my opinion the above quote really epitomizes the experience of living and working as an expat in China.  It is everyone’s individual choice as to which Chinese characters you wish to focus on and believe in.  When it comes to health and wellbeing I have seen very much the same pattern both for myself and my courageous clients.

China is a magnificent and fascinating country and culture and one which I feel privileged to be creating in at this time of great change. Sometimes though, the hot weather, humidity, smog, crowds of people, sounds of continual construction, translation errors, over loaded job tasks and to do lists can make you feel like stopping everything and just giving up!

Where I am located in the subtropical south, the heat makes it much more easy to get tired and depleted, so I must find easy and natural ways to give my mind, body and spirit the rest that they need, while at the same time still persevering and remaining dedicated to all my goals.

Over the years that I have lived in China I have learnt much about the philosophy and ways of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), visited many hospitals, spas and health centers, tried just about every treatment under the sun and made many great friendships with doctors, nurses and health practitioners.  Staying healthy and preventing problems from actually occurring is always my major focus.

In my experience and having listened to many China expats and healthcare professionals, living and working in China as a foreigner can be very detrimental to health (i.e –“ a danger”) due to vast lifestyle changes in the way that you eat & drink, exercise, work, play and relax.

On the other hand, I and many others would say that living and working in China can also be very advantageous to health (i.e – “an opportunity”) if you learn and understand the way that the majority of local Chinese people deal with their health and wellbeing, through such disciplines as TCM, tuina massage, acupuncture, tai chi and much, much more.

If you are new to China or an “old school” expat and you are experiencing some health related problems, or perhaps, are just in need of some friendly advice and information regarding the best ways to stay fit and healthy, please sign up for a Free one on one consultation with me and let’s explore how I can best help and support you.  China is full of fun, full of surprise and full of potential, but without good health you will never have true wealth!

China is full of fun, full of surprise and full of potential, but without good health you will never have true wealth!


For more information please visit my official website